
Let WorkLink Staffing assist with your job hunt by linking your skills with the right job.

We work with over 200 companies. Our Ebensburg and Latrobe office serve Blair, Cambria, Indiana and Westmoreland County.

Why Register with WorkLink Staffing:

  • No Fee to register, just your time.
  • Locally owned and operated since 1999.
  • We offer jobs that never make the help wanted ads.
  • You, the employee direct what type of employment you want: temporary, part-time or fulltime employment.
  • Employees are paid every Friday.
  • Committed to the safety and welfare of those who work for us.
  • Employee benefits accrued per working hour: Holiday, Vacation, and 401K and never expire.
  • Most of all we appreciate the local talent that our employees have and work hard for those who take the time to register.