Safety Culture
What is Safety Culture? Safety culture is a people based safety process. An organization’s safety culture is the product of individual and group values,…
Eye Protection Off the Job
We all realize how important eye protection and the wearing of safety glasses is here at work. However, this topic is as important for…
Protecting Workers from Heat Stress
Heat Illness Exposure to heat can cause illness and death. The most serious heat illness is heat stroke. Other heat illnesses, such as heat…
Fan Safety
As the summer season comes upon us, lets take a look at fans and fan safety. Fans helps move the air around us and…
Funny Safety Quotes
I’m not going to lie. Safety is not always the most exciting subject. However, here is a great list of safety related quotes and…
Are You Safe or Just Lucky?
How many times in the past–both on the job and at home–have you said to yourself, “Wow, that was a close one?” No matter…
Springing Forward
Does Daylight Saving Time improves safety? Does additional daylight reduce traffic accidents? You might think so, since driving in the daylight seems safer than…
Being Mentally Prepared for Emergencies
Would you know what to do if an emergency occurred while you were on the job? Do you know what actions to take if…
Attitude and Behavior
Humans instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. And yet, we may behave in a manner that is a threat to our well-being. There…
Hand Protection
Human hands are unique. No other creature in the world has hands that can grasp, hold, move and manipulate objects like human hands. They…